Thursday, November 10, 2005

I lied...

Dear Blog, by the time you read this (snif) I'll be gone...

We couldn't wait any longer. I was antsy as hell. I couldn't do any big projects here like paint the house or whatever. Most of our customers have their orders...we were mostly packed so we decided to just go.

I'm just finishing up some last minute paperwork. I'm applying to merchant at the SCA Estrella War. Most merchant applications are about 1 page long and require a check to be sent, maybe some photos. This thing weighs in at 12 pages. They want my merchant app, 2 pre-reg apps, proof of SCA membership, phots of us in costume(???), AZ tax licence, checks, DNA sample, fingerprints blah blah blah. Of course this is only a hassle because I have waited until the absolute LAST moment to do this shit. That is truly my worst character flaw, procrastination.

But all that's behind us now. We head out tomorrow morning and should arrive in Biloxi Sunday evening. Here's a pretty good 30 day report on how Hands on USA is doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least they didn't require urine sample to test for steroids or non-SCA approved drugs (whatever those would be). Maybe that is part of the second tier application.
