We're flying out soon and the last minute packing is almost done. Fly out shows are a bear. Weight is the enemy. Get the weight down while still taking enough to do the show. I ordered a heavy duty corset rack and will have it shipped right to the site. I plan on selling it after the event at a slight loss.
Then there were the 2 lightweight racks we use for skirts and shirts. I hadn't looked at them since last summer and when I did I found 1 piece of plastic missing, effectively making one rack useless. I went to buy another one at WalMart but it's no longer carried. The new cheapie racks suck. So it's off to the hardware store. Some copper tubing and a few conectors, about 20 minutes in the shop with a saw and a torch and the upgrade is complete. Didn't even set myself on fire. I added about 35 inches to the rack. Larger rack, fewer parts and everything will fit into the luggage.
I yearn for warmth.