It seems that several very qualified people were on the expedition, including:
explorer, adventurer, and featured Worldview Weekend speaker Dr. Bob Cornuke, ...Bob's team consisted of a "Who's Who" of business, law, and ministry leaders including Barry Rand (former CEO of Avis), the author and Christian apologist Josh McDowell, Frank Turek (co-author with Norm Geisler of I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist), Boone Powell (former CEO of Baylor Medical Systems), and Arch Bonnema (president of Joshua Financial).
These aren't some hacks, or Indiana Jones wanna be's. These people have scientific skills. I mean, some of them run businesses. I run a business, so I guess I'm qualified to perform open heart surgery and declare positively that Moses wore pro-keds (size 10 wide).
Apparently finding rocks now counts as conclusive evidence that 8 people managed to feed and house 2 of every kind of animal on the planet. There's no need to use logic, science or reason. All you need is blind faith and it is so.
"These are not the facts you are looking for, move along"
Why is this even in the news? People find evidence every day for UFO's and pixies. Why aren't these Earth Shattering discoveries on ABC news? Why? Because these things aren't real. (Hell, I'm still holding out hope for UFO's, but Noah Ark?)
We as a people have reached a pinnacle undreamt of in our ancient past. We have stood on the surface of the moon, we can fly and have cured diseases thought incurable. And yet we continue to feel the need to grovel before a Daddy-god, begging his approval and fearing his wrath instead of using our brains. I guess it makes things easier that way.
I swear it takes all my considerable will not to make up a super-religion and use my willing, if moronic, followers to mold this miserable little mud ball of a planet into my plaything. It wouldn't matter how whacko or nonsensical my made up religion is. There are people out there who will believe ANYTHING and with the right packaging, marketing and pretty graphics I could be running the whole show.