Thursday, June 23, 2005

Good clean fun

I know its a bit late, but I just found this. As a prop whore I occasionally visit Kropserkel, a very clever set of monkey who make some of the best movie reproductions around. About two years ago he built a kick ass Ring Wraith costume. Absolutely amazing. So what do you do when you've got such a cool costume? You hang around the lobby of a multiplex that's showing LOTR and scare the crap out of people.



Anonymous said...

VERY clever monkeys...

Anonymous said...

Too cool and too funny...

The Illustrious Dark Lord B

Anonymous said...

Clever Monkeys! We've not heard that one before, but we're flattered, really.

Spreading the love, you've got a great site here, thanks for the very kind words about us! We've got more videos of that ilk to post on our pages soon.

Thanks again, much.
Scott Maple