Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Being Seen"

Although Venice is behind us I wanted to post about being seen in Venice. The day after the ball we dressed ourselves again and set off for St. Marks. In exchange for my outfit I promised Mr. Weaver at Authentic Wardobe that I would take pics of it all around Venice.

We did our best. I swear. But our progress was very slow. Cameras came from every direction. We would go 5 feet and be stopped by a dozen cameras and 5 people wanting photos with us. Because some of the walkways are very narrow in the city we did out best to not block traffic but a few times we literally stopped traffic. What normally takes 25 minutes to get to St. Marks took 2 hours. One there, it took an hour to cross the square itself, only about 100 yards.

Let me just say that the attention whores in us were mighty happy. I took what pictures I could, but the ones in St. Marks were super crowded. I found a few semi secluded spots and the shots came out pretty well. I wish we had taked some in a Goldola. But those are NOT cheap, even for pics. And getting Rossana into and out of one would have been a major feat.

We circled about until our feet started to give out. On our way back we stopped for dinner at a restaurant. People kept taking pics through the window and causing backups so we moved to the back of the eatery. About 1/4 mile from the hotel a strap gave way on Rossana's petticoat. She caught it before everything went bad and held everything together until she got home and made repairs.

I wish I had done more research before this trip. There are some lovely and secluded spots in the city that are so picturesque. But you need to get up waaay early to beat the crowds. Like 6am.

I'll post some of the picsw of us and the costumes we saw on the square as soon as I can filter through them.

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