True tales of Steve Pack: merchant adventurer and ugly American
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Sweet tee's
If you're looking for a nice t-shirt based on your fav movie take a click over to Last Exit to Nowhere. There are some nice designs there for logo junkies like myself.
Let's think big picture here. The real challenge is not picking out someone else's cool logo t-shirt. The real challenge is for Steven and Rosanna to design and sell their own t-shirts for the corsett shop. Now that is something my wife would buy! (OK...I admit it...I would buy one, too.)
*M U S T* *N O T* *B U Y*
You are evil, sir! EVIL I say!
Let's think big picture here. The real challenge is not picking out someone else's cool logo t-shirt. The real challenge is for Steven and Rosanna to design and sell their own t-shirts for the corsett shop. Now that is something my wife would buy! (OK...I admit it...I would buy one, too.)
Sir Constantine
Check out this site above for some fun t-shirts.
Check out this site above for some fun t-shirts.
Hey Steve - what do you think of this for the next project? Sound like fun?
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