Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pics of Paradise

Remember how I said that Arizona was one stunning looking fair? I took pics of the best looking booths for inspiration. If you want to see what Rennie Paradise looks like, here you go:


Anonymous said...

Wow. Looks so much more beautiful than it did in the early 1990s.

Unknown said...

Indeed,the place looks amazing. Is it open year round?

Steve said...

The fair runs I believe 6 weekends. It openes 2 weeks ago. It's at a good time of the year for us as we have no real shows at this time of the year except for Estrella.

I'm working on it.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful. It looks like God forgot to put some real trees down in Arizona, though.

(That is a subliminal plea to remember the shade of Great Lakes so you do not get any bright ides of relocating to AZ.)

Sir Constantine.

Steve said...

Although there aren't any pictures, there ARE trees on the site. There are several green spaces where they have planted grass and trees for rest and shade. The majority of the site has a fine gravel which doesn't kick up dusk like every other fair I've been at. It's nice.

Although I do enjoy the cool shade of Great lakes.

Anonymous said...

Those are some wonderfull looking booths and buildings. I also noted the lack of greenery but that is par for most of AZ. As poorly run as Michigan RF is, the setting in the woods is how I would picture an small shire of the period. If only the two could be combined. Alas to dream.

Brother of Monkey

Anonymous said...

So... uh, when do Lindsey and I get to go work that fair, it looks pretty.