Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Cold as a...

Rain yesterday and last night. Cold as hell today. Our stock stayed dry
and so did we, which is good. Its been a loooong day. Tonight is
'Midnight Madness' when we are all expected to stay open till 12. Homey
don't play that. I've been up since 8am. So we could drive into town for
business supplies and to call my wonderful mother to wish her happy

Things were looking pretty grim tonight until a couple actually bought a
corset an hour ago. I swore this last summer that I would NEVER have a
zero-sale day. I wasn't thinking about this show when I made that vow,
which traditionally is REAL slow (dead) during midnight sadness. I
suppose I am grateful for being in better shape than last year, when I
was suffering from food poisoning for three days at this event.
Tomorrows weather promisses to be an improvement. Its late now. I need
to close up shop and crawl into bed.

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