Monday, November 24, 2008

Street with a View

Have you ever wanted to know exactly when the google streetview guys were coming so you could be outside in a yetti costume juggling flaming hams? Sure you have. And so did some clever monkeys in Pittsburgh who worked with google to stage a kind of 360 degree art scene.

It's pretty cool. It includes a marching band, mad scientists, an escape from a window and even two Dagorhir fighters with boffer weapons. Wow.

Go check it out.


Goodman Holiday said...

That is so brilliant.

By the way, Google Street View did capture the Holiday home in all it's glory. A fairly recent photo, since it's got the recent yellow paint job. Google was pretty thorough in Austin; everyone else I know who lives here is also on Street View. (And I love that Street View is now viewable on my iPhone!)

Ed Dale said...

This is a great idea. I wish I had known when they were going to come by.