Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Achingly Beautiful

In addition to my love of paper ephemera, I have a deep love of old books and journals. So, of course any place that stockpiles them, any place that lavishly displays thousands of tomes in soaring cathedral like locals is enough to send my salivary glands into overdive. I present to you a wonderful collection of libraries I will some day have sex in around the world. Wait...what? Forget the sex part. I meant visit, libraries i will visit someday.

Courtesy of Curious Expeditions


Anonymous said...

Oh wow. What an awesome site. Been to a few - Library of Congress, Trinity in Dublin.

It's not quite as cool, but the Furness building at my college, the University of Pennsylvania, was pretty awesome. Tom Hanks' AIDS lawyer character researches his lwasuit there in the movie Philadelphia.


And the text mentions the Phillips Exeter academy library as a great modern one. I practically lived there in high school - us day students at the mostly-boarding school had study carrells there. And I worked there for the summer. The architect Louis Kahn was the subject of the movie "Mt Architect."



- Patrick

Unknown said...

Awesome site!!

Anonymous said...

If you must have sex in the library, I recommend the fiction section. It will add to the fantasy.

Sir Constantine. --Merry Christmas!!