The turnout for my party Saturday might be considered light, I myself consider it amazing considering that is was the most brutally cold day I have experienced in some years. I received several calls from friends letting me know that although they wished to attend, they did not possess the requisite treaded arctic snow crawlers or dog sled teams required to slog to Bag End in the midst of a blizzard. I understand completely and thank those who braved the horrible weather.
As can be seen from this picture I indeed received my much desired Pirate Ship and am told that another one is on its way from jolly old England. With two of these ships I shall rule the seven seas (or at least my pond). Now all I have to do is patiently wait several months for it to thaw....
Is it spring yet?
In attendance was Grimm, who is recovering well after having a large chunk of gut removed. Apparently some internal organ had gone rogue and was fighting a guerrilla war on his other organs, One surgical strike and the problem was taken care of. This did not stop me from trying to be helpful by scanning said gut for any surgical items that may have been left behind. Alas, nothing showed up so our chances of cashing in on some heavy litigation are almost nil.
Oh and my friend Ed has shown up my cool pirate ship by going and accidentally buying himself a Porshe on ebay. I am not sure how once 'accidentally' buys a speeding ticket machine such as this, you may want to take a gander at the blog he set up to document his own midlife crisis:
Much cake and pie was consumed, and on Sunday we went to the Home and garden show to look at things we can't afford. All in all, a very good weekend. Cheers all and thanks for the gifts.
Happy Birthday Steve! Hopefully the pond with thaw quickly so that your "high seas" adventures can begin. I'm sure the various waterfowl will enjoy your new toy.
Brother of Monkey
Happy Birthday Steven. ...Geezer.
Sir Constantine.
Happy Birthday to a fellow aquarian. Nice to see you got your pirate ship, very cool.
Happy Birthday Steve!
Did you capture Grimm's soul with that picture?!? Very rare to get a photo of the elusive Corrupter in his natural habitat.
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