I think you will agree that the above product, which can be purchased from CostCo of all places for a mere $18,500 is an object so cool, that it may well be worth selling off a kidney for. That's the only way I could afford such a mind-numbingly cool thing such as this.
I spoke with my wife about this but the conversation didn't go well.
"I need $20,000"
She closed her eyes slightly as if she had experienced a small brain aneurysm.
"I'll bite, what for?"
"A pirate ship."
"Didn't we agree that putting 'Pirate ships for sale' into google was a bad idea?"
"This is a Pirate ship...in a tree!! Can there be ANYTHING COOLER??? I ask you, can there??"
"We need to replace the fridge."
I was taken suddenly aback. "The fridge? What's wrong with the fridge?"
"The milk is now a solid block of ice and the ice cream is now a chunky soup."
"Can't we just put the ice cream in the fridge and the milk in the freezer?"
"The door doesn't close right anymore. It makes a horrible rattling noise, it may be possessed"
I eyed the icebox suspiciously.
"Where's our Bible?" I asked.
"We don't have one."
"I could have sworn the Mormons dropped one when they ran screaming from the house a few weeks back."
"That was the UPS man with a package"
"Whatever. This demonic Frigidaire has me concerned."
I went to the bookshelf. What did we have that might dispell evil? I pulled out a book and waved it in front of the fridge.
"What's that?"
"Al Frankens 'Lies and the lying Liars that tell them.' it's all I could find."
"What about those ancient tomes in your study?"
"Good heavens woman, I want to dispell an appliance gremlin, not open a portal to an alternate dimension of evil. " I waved the book a few more times and felt satisfied.
"What was I asking about again dear?" I asked.
"Something about taking me to a movie."
"Movie? Why, yes! Something with Pirates....that's the ticket."
I wish I would have been there to see that conversation...Gris
20,000 huh? Kidney..hmm..what if we find a homeless guy....
This is the kind of writing that keeps me coming back.
Thanks Steve, very entertaining.
John (getspfx)
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