Monday, January 30, 2006


After some 25 hours of travel we return safely to Bag End. We are tired and rough around the edges. Both of us have colds. There is no bad news on the answering machine but 50 pounds of mail, most of it crap.

There is no rest for the wicked though. In two weeks we're back at work doing the Estrella War in Arizona. Gotta start the money flowing IN, I don't want to think of what my phone bill will be like next month.

This trip was amazing. I have downloaded the pics to my computer and am in the process of organizing them. I hope to put the best up within the week.

I also hope to post some info on the last 48 hours in Cairo. I couldn't post about them while I was there for several reason I can't go into now. But suffice to say it was a bit of a roller coaster ride. If you've read my story about Instanbul then you should like this one. Keep your eyes peeled.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home! Can't wait to see the pictures. Get some rest.

Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME!!! Although I'm sure it was a fabulous trip, surely it must feel good to be back home! -Erika

Mike Substelny said...

Welcome back, Steve. Your trip sounds fabulous and I'd love to hear you tell your tales!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear lord. What have you done now? Glad to see you made it home safely. I enjoyed reading the accounts of your trip.